Train legal experts for public and police administration with the sprit of truth, fmedom, and love!
A Course of Study
Division | Major | Hour/Unit | Course Type |
Basic Divisional requirement | Introduction to public Administration |
3/3 | theory |
Introduction to Legal Studies | 3/3 | theory | |
Police and Criminal justice | 3/3 | theory | |
Major Electives Group A | General Principles of Civil Law | 3/3 | theory |
Constitutional Law 1 |
3/3 | theory | |
Constitutional Law 2 | 3/3 | theory | |
Law of Property | 3/3 | theory | |
General Principles of Criminal Law1 |
3/3 | theory | |
General Principles of Criminal Law2 | 3/3 | theory | |
Special Part of Criminal Law | 3/3 | theory | |
General Principles of Commercial Law | 3/3 | theory | |
Major Electives Group B | Special Criminal Law | 3/3 | theory |
Law of Contract and Torts 1 | 3/3 | theory | |
Law of Contract and Torts 2 |
3/3 | theory | |
Corporation Law | 3/3 | theory | |
Law of Commercial Papers | 3/3 | theory | |
Administrative Law 1 |
3/3 | theory+practice | |
Administrative Law 2 | 3/3 | theory+practice | |
Law of Civil Procedure | 3/3 | theory | |
Law of Criminal Procedure | 3/3 | theory | |
International Law | 3/3 | theory | |
Philosophy of Law | 3/3 | theory | |
Major Electives Group C | Family Law | 2/2 | theory |
Social Law | 2/2 | theory | |
Economic Law | 2/2 | theory | |
Insurance and Maritime Law | 2/2 | theory | |
Law of Real Estate Notices | 2/2 | theory | |
A Case on the Constitution Law | 2/2 | theory+practice | |
A Case on the Civil Law | 2/2 | theory | |
A Case on the Criminal Law | 2/2 | theory | |
Intellectual Property Law | 3/3 | theory+practice | |
Total | 31 | 85/85 |
181601 Introduction to Public Administration (3/3) 행정학원론 theory, essential course for major
To help students understand general theories of public administration and apply them to public administration work.

Required Subjects : None
125701 Introduction to Legal Studies (3/3) 법학개론 theory, in-class discussions, core requirement
This course seeks to provide students with the understanding of how to spot legal issues, to apply legal analysis to fact patterns, and to use law to examine larger social and cultural issues.
A general study of the scope and methods as well as the basic concepts and fundamental questions in law.
Recommended for 1st year students who want to study law or social sciences
362901 Police and Criminal Justice (3/3) 경찰과 형사사법 theory, theory+practice, a compulsory course
This course seeks to provide students with a stimulating learning environment that promotes respect, tolerance, sensitivity and an open exchange of ideas regarding a wide range of issues of justice as well as intercultural concerns.
We are committed to exemplary teaching, research and philosophy that is grounded in cutting-edge scholarship; engaging students in critical inquiry, logical and ethical thinking; direct engagement of the social world to develop a deep and practical understanding of justice problems; and service to the community, university, and profession. Our commitment to the most current knowledge in the discipline highlights the importance of engagement in scholarship through which we develop our discipline and provide similar opportunities for our students.
Open to all. Recommended for 1st year students.
124001 General Principles of Civil Law (3/3) 민법총칙 theory, elective course for major
To provide students with basic theories and overview of Korean civil law through studies of judicial precedents
General rules of the Civil Code
General provisions, natural persons(capacity, permanent residence, absence disappearance), juristic persons, things(general rules, incorporation, organization, dissolution, penal provisions), juristic acts(general rules, declaration of intention, agency, nullity and voidance, conditions and time), period, extinctive prescription, etc.
Basic legal concepts such as person, rights, juristic act, things, time and extinctive prescription are explained.
Recommended for 1st and 2rd year students who have taken basic courses in law major
260501 Constitutional Law 1 (3/3) 헌법1 theory, major [ga] group course
To help students understand the fundamental theories of constitutional law and engage a more professional and legal mind-set by studying the basics of constitutional law
Ageneral theory, interpretation, establishment, revision, security of the constitutional law, history, standard order, general idea, character of the constitutional law, dignity and value of the human being, the right of equality and fundamental rights
Recommended for 1st and 2nd year students who have taken introduction to legal studies
260601 Constitutional Law 2 (3/3) 헌법2 theory, major group course
To help students provide a deeper knowledge of Korean constitutional law, process, and system
Broad survey of the constitutional system
The National Assembly, a court of justice, the government(president and the ministry), the Constitutional Court, etc.
Recommended for 2nd and 3rd year students who have taken Constitutional Law Ⅰ
261001 Law of Property (3/3) 물권법 theory, elective course for major
To help students increase their knowledge of the law related to people and property
Real rights of the civil code
General provisions, possessory, ownership (limitation ownership, acquisition ownership, co-ownership), superficies, servitudes, Chonsegwon, right of retention, pledge, mortgage, etc.
Recommended for 2nd and 3rd year students who have taken basic courses in civil law
363201 General Principle of Criminal Law 1 (3/3) 형법총론1, theory, elective course for major
To help students study general principles of criminal law as well as analyze criminal cases.
This course provides an overview of the wide range of crimes and the legal consequences as constituted under criminal law.
Recommended for 1st and 2th year students who interested in Criminal issues
363301 General Principles of Criminal Law 2 (3/3) 형법총론2 theory, major requirement
To help students continue to build on their studies of theories of criminal law as well as deeper analysis of criminal cases.
This course covers the curriculum of General Principles of Criminal Law Ⅰ and additional topics of illegality, responsibility and complicity, the theory of attempted crime and the theory of punishment.
Recommended for 1st and 2th year students who are interested in criminal issues
261101 Special Part of Criminal Law (3/3) 형법각론 theory, major requirement
To help students understand special cases and theories of criminal law about to each crime and punishment through study of judicial precedents.
The general theory of crime and punishment studied in the course Introduction to Criminal Law will provide the basis for this course, where analysis, interpretation, and application of the individual constituent elements of crimes of various forms of crimes regulated under criminal law will be examined. .
An examination of theories regarding crimes against individuals such as murder and physical assault, crimes against nations such as high treason, and crimes against society such as arson, together with an analysis of the relevant cases, students will gain an understanding of the major principles of criminal law.
Recommended for 2nd and 3rd year students who are interested in Criminal issues
261201 General Principles of Commercial Law (3/3) 상법총론 theory, elective course for major
To help students increase their understanding of the general principles in commercial law
General principles of commercial law, laws governing business entities, trade and business transactions, with emphasis on socioeconomic significance of commercial law, fundamental notions on the human and material elements of corporation on the following issues : merchant, agent, trade name, registration and business transfer. Rights and duties on business transactions
Recommended for 2nd and 3rd year students who have taken basic theoretical courses
363401 Special Criminal Law (3/3) 특별형법론 Theory, Major Selection
This course aims to investigate the laws that have been enacted to complement or substitute general law to a certain degree by reflecting the social changes since the enactment of the law.
Current special criminal laws based on higher punishments and measures for public safety in addition to general criminal law.
Recommended for 3rd and 4th year students interested in criminal issues
363501 Law of Contract and Torts 1 (3/3) 채권총론 theory, elective course for major

General rules of contract (formation of contract, effect of contract, rescission for the future and rescission of contract), gift, sale, contract of exchange, loan for consumption, loan for use, lease, contract of employment, contract of work, advertisement for prize contest, mandate, bailment, partnership, life annuity, compromise, management of affairs without mandate, unlawful enrichment, unlawful act, etc.
Recommended for 3rd and 4th year students who have taken basic courses in principles of obligation law.
363601 Law of Contract and Torts 2 (3/3) 채권각론 theory, elective course for major,
To help students increase their understanding about the main sources of obligatory rights under the civil code by examining judicial precedents of special cases
Special cases and parts of obligation under the civil code, general rules of contract(formation of contract, effect of contract, rescission for the future and rescission of contract), gift, sale, contract of exchange, loan for consumption, loan for use, lease, contract of employment, contract of work, advertisement for prize contest, mandate, bailment, partnership, life annuity, compromise, management of affairs without mandate, unlawful enrichment, unlawful act
Recommended for 3rd and 4th year students who have taken basic courses in civil law
261801 Corporation Law (3/3) 회사법 theory, elective course for major
To help students get a grasp of corporate and securities law for Korean Commercial Law.
This course applies the students' knowledge of company law, stocks, bonds, corporate governance, director, merger and acquisition. Besides such subjects, it includes the formation of a holding company, the transition to public ownership of the corporation, the purchase and sale of a business.
Recommended for 2nd and 3rd year students who have taken basic theoretical courses about commercial law.
329701 Law of Commercial Papers (3/3) 어음수표법 theory, elective course for major
To help students increase their understanding about law of Commercial Papers
Legal issues negotiable instruments and differences among the bills of exchange, promissory notes and cheques, etc.
Prerequisites/ Requirements/ Recommendations
Recommended for 3rd and 4th year students who have taken basic General Principles of Civil Law and Law of Contract
181201 Administrative Law 1 (3/3) 행정법1 theory and practice, major requirement
To help students examine the system of administrative law which gives effect to administrative principles based on the rule of law.
This course will cover topics such as an interaction takes the administrative, administrative punishment and compulsory execution. It will also look at systems of the national reparation for damages, of administrative dispute settlement such as the administrative courts and administrative procedures.
Prerequisites/ Requirements/ Recommendations
Recommended for 2nd and 3rd year students who have taken basic theological courses.
181301 Administrative Law 2 (3/3) 행정법2 theory and practice, major requirement
The purpose of this course is understanding of Public administrative organization and its function.
The study of fundamental concepts, theories and judical precedents of the
Administrative Law and the understanding of the relationships of theories are the goals of this lesson.
Recommended for 2nd and 3rd year students who have studied (Public) Administrative law 1.
261901 Law of Civil Procedure (3/3) 민사소송법 theory, elective course for major
To help students study of the laws of Civil Procedures or Proceedings, their underlying ideas, structures and function
The object of this course is to increase the understanding of students in relation to the rights and obligations of the subject of Civil Procedurs or Proceedings
Recommended for 3rd and 4th year students who have taken basic courses.
262001 Law of Criminal Procedure (3/3) 형사소송법 theory, elective course for major
To help students study of the laws of criminal procedure, their underlying ideas, structures and function.
The object of this course is to increase the understanding of students in relation to the rights and obligations of the subject of criminal proceedings.
Recommended for 3rd and 4th year students who have taken basic courses.
246501 International Law (3/3) 국제법 theory, in-class discussions, core elective
The general objective of this course is to develop the student’s grasp of the foundations of international law, its evolution during the twentieth century, and its role in world affairs today
This course aims at understanding basic concepts of international law in a semester. This course briefly deals with notions of international law, states and jurisdiction, law of treaties, relation between international law and domestic law, diplomatic privileges and immunities, international organization, international environmental law, international economic law, state responsibility and dispute settlement etc.
Prerequisites/ Requirements/ Recommendations
None, but the lower division courses in law is useful
261501 Philosophy of Law (3/3) 법철학 theory, major elective
To help students increase their knowledge about legal philosophy
To help students who want to take exam such as LEET or National Examination etc.
To help students who plan to become a jurist or lawyer.
Jurisprudence is thinking and approaching philosophically toward a law. In this class, we will learn and discuss the main subjects of Jurisprudence through the textbook and the case study.
Recommended for 3rd and 4th year students who have taken basic theological courses.
430901 Family law (2/2) 가족법 theory, elective course for major
To help students develop their legal mind through the study on case law and precedents.
Family law and succession law cohabitation without marriage, the difference between adoption and full adoption, visitation right(access right), artificial reproduction, guardianship, the matrimonial property system, the marital property agreement.
The inheritance by will, the disqualification of succession, the formality of will, contributory portion, the legal portion of an heir, forced share.
Recommended for 3rd and 4th year students who have taken the general provisions of the Civil Code
478201 Social law (3/3) 사회법 theory, elective course for law major
To promote students' legal mind on the protecting of the interests of laborer, second class citizen etc.
To help students increase their knowledge on the social welfare system,
To study the interests of laborer, second class citizen etc.
To study the social welfare system, the Environmental Pollution Prevention Act etc.
Prerequisites/ Requirements/ Recommentations
Recommended for 3rd and 4th year students
431001 Economic Law (2/2) 경제법 theory, elective course for major.
This subject examines the economic system and order as well as what the market economy is.
The students study Korean Competition Law. This subject aims on investigating of the laws and regimes to ensure ordinary function of the market economy. It examines the monopoly regulation, cartel, M&A and fair trade act. Furthermore manages it the company laws which regulate enterprise activity and consumer protect laws which are to protect the economically disadvantaged.
Prerequisites/ Requirements/ Recommendations
Recommended for 3rd and 4th year students who have taken basic theological courses
478401 Insurance and Maritime Law (2/2) 보험해상법 theory, general requirement course
To help students increase their legal mind as the insured
To help students increase their kowledge on the organization and operation of maritime corporation
A field of Commercial Law.
Rights and duties as insurer and insured.
Organization and operation of maritime corporation.
Recommended for 3rd and 4th year students who have taken basic theological courses.
478301 Law of Real Estate Notices (3/3) 부동산공시법 theory, elective course for law major
To help students increase their knowledge on the Real Property Registration Act, the Land Register Law etc.
To help students learn the expert knowledge on the on the system of real-estate notice in order to promote a safe real estate transaction
To study on the system of real-estate registration,
To study on the procedure of real- estate price public announcement(notice)
To study on the Land Register Law
Recommended for 3rd and 4th year students
478501 A Case on the Constitution Law (2/2) 헌법판례연구 theory+practice, seminar, major [da] group
To help students having the practical ability to solve the constitutional cases
To help students improving the knowledge about precedents of the Constitutional Court
Cases of general theory to constitutional law
Cases of fundamental rights
Cases about the constitutional system of rule
Cases about the Constitutional Court
Recommended for 3rd and 4th year students who have taken Constitutional Law Ⅰ, Constitutional Law Ⅱ
478601 A Case on the Civil Law (2/2) 민법판례연구 theory, elective course for major,
To help students increase their knowledge about the main points of Civil Law
To help students increase their ability to handle legal problems for adapting of law to concrete cases by researching of judicial precedent
To help students who want to increase a legal mind and an adaptation ability by this lecturing
Seminar in civil law
Case for general rules of civil law, case for the Law of realty, case for obligation law, case for relatives, case for succession, etc.
Recommended for 3rd and 4th year students who have taken basic courses in civil law
478701 A Case on the Criminal Law (2/2) 형법판례연구 theory, elective course for major,
To help students increase their knowledge about the main points of criminal laws
To help students who want to increase a legal mind and an adaptation ability by this lecturing
To study to handle legal problems for adapting of law to concrete cases by researching of judicial precedent at criminal laws or the law of Criminal Procedure
To anaylize cases for general rules of criminal laws or the law of Criminal Procedure
Recommended for 3rd and 4th year students who have taken basic courses in criminal laws
261301 Intellectual Property Law (3/3) 지적재산권법 theory & practice, major elective

To help students who want to obtain a more comprehensive knowledge of intellectual property structure & treaty
To help students who plan to become patent attorney & agent attain a well-balanced understanding of intellectual property right needed in agents.
This course introduces basic concepts, cases and other materials on patent act, utility model act, design act, trademark act, unfair competition prevention trade secret protection act, copyright laws, computer program copyright laws, semiconductor layout right, online digital contents industry development laws, etc.
Recommended for 3rd and 4th year students who have taken basic theological courses
Public Administration
Division | Major | Hour/Unit | Course Type |
Basic Divisional requirement | Introduction to public Administration | 3/3 | theory |
Introduction to Legal Studies | 3/3 | theory | |
Police and Criminal justice | 3/3 | theory | |
Major Electives Group A | Public Administration and Politics | 3/3 | theory |
Public Organization Theory | 3/3 | theory | |
Public Personnel Administration | 3/3 | theory | |
Public Policy | 3/3 | theory | |
Public Finance Administration and Public Enterprise | 3/3 | theory | |
Local Administration and Local Council | 3/3 | theory | |
Research Methodology | 3/3 | theory | |
English in Public Administration | 3/3 | theory | |
Urban Administration | 3/3 | theory | |
Major Electives Group B | Korean Public Administration | 3/3 | theory |
Regional Development | 2/2 | theory | |
Practices of Public Administration | 2/2 | theory+practice | |
Practical Management | 3/3 | theory | |
Security and Safety Management | 3/3 | theory | |
Policy Analysis and Evaluation | 3/3 | theory | |
Urban Planning | 3/3 | theory | |
Introduction of Real Estate | 3/3 | theory | |
Major Electives Group C | Welfare Administration | 3/3 | theory |
International Administration | 3/3 | theory | |
Administration and NGO | 3/3 | theory | |
Ethics in Public Service | 3/3 | theory | |
Administrative Planning | 3/3 | theory | |
Introduction to Economics | 3/3 | theory | |
Administraion of Culture | 3/3 | theory | |
Urban Administration and Culture | 3/3 | theory | |
Administrative Reform | 3/3 | theory | |
Total | 29 | 85/85 |
181601 Introduction to Public Administration(3/3) 행정학원론 theory, essential course for major
To make students understand the general theory of public administration and apply it for practical research in public administration.
To help students accomplish a well-balanced knowledge and understanding about the general theory of public administration
This subject pays particular attention to the relationship between the administrator and the public. Topics discussed are such as public participation in the decision-making, political accountability and control of boards and independent agencies. Also, the subject introduces key steps of policy-making involving the development and assessment of government policies and their alternatives, through diverse analytical techniques.
Required Subjects : No, opens to all
125701 Introduction to Legal Studies(3/3) 법학개론 theory,in-class discussions, core requirement
This course provides the students to get the opportunities how to spot legal issues, to apply legal analysis to fact patterns, to use law to examine larger social and cultural issues.
A general study of the scope and methods as well as the basic concepts and fundamental questions in law.
Prerequisites/ Requirements/ Recommendations
Recommendations for 1st who want to study laws or social sciences
362901 Police and Criminal Justice(3/3) 경찰과 형사사법 theory, theory+practice, a compulsory course
The Department of Criminal Justice and Police Studies provides a stimulating learning environment that promotes respect, tolerance, sensitivity and an open exchange of ideas regarding a wide range of cultural and intellectual differences.
We are committed to exemplary teaching, research and philosophy that is grounded in cutting-edge scholarship; engaging students in critical inquiry, logical and ethical thinking; direct engagement of the social world to develop a deep and practical understanding of justice problems; and service to the community, university, and profession. Our commitment to the most current knowledge in the discipline highlights the importance of engagement in scholarship through which we develop our discipline and provide similar opportunities for our students.
Open to all. Recommended for the beginners.
489701 Public Administration and Politics(3/3) 행정과 정치 theory, elective course for major, teacher credit course
To help students increase their knowledge about the essence of Public Administration and Political Science
To help students accomplish a well-balanced knowledge and understanding about political phenomena and to cultivate the ability to do research and organize ideas and materials from academic aspects
- what is the power?,
- Understanding Korean Politics
- International Relations,
- Peace Studies in the 21st Century
- Election and Participant Politics
Recommended for 2nd and 4th year students who have taken basic courses in theology
181401 Public Organization Theory(3/3) 행정조직론 theory, major elective
Public organization theory is the cornerstone of public administration theory and practice.
This course surveys organizational theory, that is, the generalizations about how organizations are or ought to be managed, and how individuals behave in organizations.
This course offers conceptual and practical perspectives for understanding and managing organizations.
Issues in organization theory, environment of public organizations, structure organizational performance, human relations, bureaucracy and adhocracy, decision making communication, leadership, organizational culture, reforming public organizations
Recommended for 2nd and 3rd students who have taken Introduction to public administration
156101 Public Personnel Administration(3/3) 인사행정론 theory, major elective
Helps students understand the development of public personnel policies and programs and personnel responsibilities of all public managers and employees.
Reviews the concept, development history and basic theories of personnel administration by focusing on analyzing and discussing the critical issues in the process of personnel administration.
Prerequisite course/Requirements/Recommendation
Recommended for the public administration.
489801 Public Policy(3/3) 정책학 Theory, Case Study, major elective
To understand principles of policy science
To apply the principles of policy science to analyze public polices
To study the skills and procedures of policy setting and policy implementation
The purpose of this course is to understand principles of public policy and theoies of policy science. To develop skills and procedures of policy making and policy implementation, case study of diverse public policy of government will be recommended
principles of public administration
489901 Public Financial Administration and Public Enterprise(3/3) 재무행정과 공기업 theory; major requirement.
To increase knowledge about general theory and practice of Public Financial Administration and Public Enterprise.
To investigate the governmental budgetary system, public financial management system, and relevant operating practice in South Korea.
To study general theory of Public Financial Administration and to understand a trend in research on and approach to it.
To examine the function of governmental finance.
Toinvestigate the frame of governmental budget, budgetary process, governmental budgeting system and relevant operating practice in South Korea, and budgetary reform.
To comprehend governmental procurement and governmental accounting in South Korea.
No, opens to all
479301 Local Administration and Local Council 3/3 )행정과 지방의회론 heory, major elective
Acquire knowledge of relevant theory and its application to local government
Understand the political, social, and economic context of local administration, as well as its ethical and legal ramifications, Local Council
This course deals with administrative matters of local government as a democratic administrative structure. Topics to be considered include the types, historical developments, organization, personnel affairs, finance and regional developments of local governments.
Recommended for 2nd year students who have taken basic courses in Public Administration
262701 Research Methodology (3/3) 방법론 heory, major elective
To make students understand the general theory of research methodology and apply it for practical research in public administration.
Teaches the meaning of explanation and prediction, two goals of social science. Explains the role and significance of theories, facts, ideologies, values, and variables in the process of knowledge generation in social science. Classifies and summarizes types, procedures, and tools of research. Explains the content and sequence of research design. Introduces sampling techniques, scaling and measurement, questionnaire creation and simple computer-aided statistical analysis techniques. Reviews the opportunity cost roles of social science students in theory development and in inducing social change.
No, open to all.
364101 English in Public Administration(3/3) 행정영어특강 theory, elective course for major, teacher credit course
To helpstudents who want to continue to study English in Public Administration as business practice
Tohelp students who plan to prepare a Civil Servant
The course addresses issues of how to understand English-written sentences and terms regarding public administration. All students interested in English and public adminstration are welcome to this class where they may improve their ability of written English.
- Introduction to the study of public administration
- policy science
- business practice
Recommended for 2nd and 4th year students who have taken basic courses in theology.
212201 Urban Administration (3/3) 도시행정론 theory, required course for major
(Accounting city, the one in the most valuable product of mankind civilization, to include various aspect in its function) to help students study how administration to link on various urban problems
Tohelp students find out the desirable aim and alternative idea of future oriented urban administration
To study various urban problems by comprehending the concept of urban administration
To investigate connection city-government to its administration with theoretical access to city
Recommended from 2nd to 4th year students who have taken basic courses in public administration.
262801 Korean Public Administration (3/3) 한국행정론 theory, major requirement.
To understand theory and practice of South Korean Public Administration based on general theory of Public administration.
To increase capability for dealing with public affairs in the practice of South Korean Public Administration. Relevantly, this lecture is mainly focused on organization & management, personnel administration, regulatory administration, and administrative ethics & control.
To research the development process of South Korean Public Administration and to study current issues and problem-solving alternatives & strategies for it.
To study the public administrative environment - political, economic, societal, and cultural conditions in South Korea - and correlations between public administration and political party, legislation and space in South Korea.
To increase knowledge and capability in pursuit of an indigenous theory of South Korean Public Administration.
No, opens to all.
213201 Region Development Theory (3/3) 지역개발론 theory, elective course for major, teacher credit course
To understand characteristic of region development,
To understand the problem of region development
To solve the character and problem of region development in Korea
To find alternatives of balance development of region development in Korea future
Recommended for 3rd and 4th year students who have taken basic theological courses about region development
431101 Practices of Public Administration (2/2) 행정학연습 selective course for major
To help students increase their knowledge and practices about the Public administration
This subject gives you abilities to carry out independent researches and to prepare for examinations for both local and central civil servants.
Teaching is by lectures, tutorials. This subject will be assessed with your work both by examination and coursework. Required Subjects
No, opens to 2nd, 3rd, 4th year students
128601 Practical Management (2/2) 사무관리론 theory and practice, major requirement course
To help students increase their knowledge and practical about the administration
To help students increase their administrative ability
Theories and practice about the public administration
Make out an official document, approve, acceptance and dispatch
Compilation of the budget, deliberation on the budget, execution and closing accounts.
Recommended for 2nd and 3rd year students who have taken basic practice courses
364301 Security and Safety Management (3/3) 안전관리행정론 theory, elective course for major.
To help students who want to continue to study Crisis or Safety Management.
To help students accomplish a well-balanced knowledge and understanding about the sociological issues: the fire, explosion, collapse, typhoons, floods, heavy rains, earthquakes, tidal waves. etc.
We study from the basic level to the advanced level, skills, model situations of crisis, methods of study, and types of a number of kinds of disaster.
Recommended for 2nd and 4th year students who have taken elective course for major.
212001 Policy Analysis and Evaluation (3/3) 정책분석과 평가 theory, major elective
Focuses on understanding the general theory and practice of policy analysis and evaluation, major elements of policy studies with a particular emphasis on development background, implementation process, and essential techniques of policy analysis and evaluation. Students who complete this course will develop the ability to systematically respond to major events taking place in society as well as to scientifically design actual policy evaluation studies.
Definition of policy problem, criteria of comparison of policy alternatives, cost-benefit analysis, AHP(Analytic Hierarchical Process) etc.
Recommended for 2nd and 3rd students who have taken Introduction to public administration.
479201 Urban Planning (3/3) 도시계획론3 theory, major elective
To make students understand the general theory of urban planning and apply it for practical research in public administration.
Formation and displace of city, re-development of city, transportation and environment of urban area, long term development planning of urban area, etc.
Recommended for 2nd and 3rd students who have taken Introduction to public administration
479401 Introduction of Real Estate (3/3) 부동산학개론 theory major elective
To make students understand the general theory of real estate and the contents of related law.
The theory of real estate, contents of real estate related law, economics of real estate etc.
No, Opens to all.
213101 Welfare Administration (3/3) 복지행정론 theory, elective course for major, teacher credit course
To understand the philosophical and historical background of Welfare administration
To point need of welfare
To understand situation and level of welfare in Korea
Arguments for solution about the problems of welfare administration in Korea as a comparative studying welfare policy cases of developed countries
Recommended for 3rd and 4th year students who have taken basic theological courses about region development
213401 International Administration (3/3) 국제행정론 selective essential course for major
To help students increase their knowledge and practices about the International administration
You do not have to look too far to find examples of how international administration impinge on our everyday lives. This subject addresses a wide range of problems and concerns that have a global dimension or impact, and which require international co-operation if they are to be resolved or managed effectively. While International administration is a distinct academic discipline, it is by its nature interdisciplinary, requiring you to acquire some knowledge of politics, history, geography, economics and law.
Required Subjects
No, opens to all
364601 Public Administration and Non-Governmental Organization (3/3) 행정과 비정부기구 selective essential course for major
To help students increase their knowledge and practices about the Public Administration and Non-Governmental Organization
In looking at the relationship between public administration and the NGO there is a well-established and recognised model with a long history and an extensive literature. This subject focuses on theoretical shift underway affecting governance consisting of government, market and citizen.
Teaching is by lectures, tutorials. This subject will be assessed with your work both by examination and coursework.
Required Subjects
No, opens to 2nd, 3rd, 4th year students
490001 Ethics in Public Service (3/3) 공직윤리론 theory, major elective
To make students understand the general theory of ethics in public service and apply it for practical research in public administration.
Definition of ethics of public service, controversy of ethics of public service, public accountability and responsibility etc.
No, opens to all.
181101 Administrative Planning (3/3) 행정기획론 theory, major elective
To make students understand the Planning Theory in Public Organization and apply it for practical research in public administration.
To aims at increasing the level of professional competency of practicing planners, managers, policy analysts, and administrators both in the public and private sector.
Definition of planning, controversy of planning theory, short term and long term planning of the nation, practicing plan of the public and private sector, etc.
Recommended for 2nd and 3rd students who have taken Introduction to public administration.
364001 Introduction to Economics(Introductory Economics) (3/3) 경제학원론, selective essential course for major
To help students increase their knowledge and practices about the economic theorys and the main facets of the discipline: microeconomics and macroeconomics
This subject gives you a sound training ? in theory and in practice ?for tackling a wide range of relevant problems. You are introduced to the main facets of the discipline: microeconomics and macroeconomics. You learn about economic data, exchange rates, trade agreements, income tax or international banking.
Teaching is by lectures, tutorials. This subject will be assessed with your work both by examination and coursework.
Required Subjects
No, opens to all
479501 Administration of Culture (3/3) 문화행정론, theory, major elective
To make students understand the general theory of administration of culture and apply it for research of public administration.
Local culture, place marketing, case study on local culture industry, the laws of culture administration.
No, Open to all.
479601 Urban Administration and Culture (3/3) 도시행정과 문화론 theory, major elective
To make students understand the general theory of urban administration and culture and apply it for research of public administration.
Urban environmental problem, prevention policy of environmental pollution, participation of citizen in environmental problem, non-profit organization, the laws of urban environment.
No, Opens to all.
367801 Administrative Reform (3/3) 행정개혁론 theory, major elective
To make students understand the general theory of reform of public administration and apply it for practical research in public administration reform.
Basic theory of public administration reform, regulation reform theory, new public management, principal-agent theory etc.
No, Open to all.