Division of Police Science
Train legal experts for public and police administration with the sprit of truth, fmedom, and love!
- Introduction
- The division is aiming at nurturing "professional workers with ability and good mindset" who can play important roles for the society and country. To achieve those goals, the division operates active and systematic curriculums to nurture legal experts and experts with knowledge and practical experience in public security and administration who can contribute to the development of the country.
- Educational Purpose
- It aims at training trustworthy and competent professionals who can play a leading role in upholding social justice in the informationalized and globalized 21st century by educating students to have the right humanity, creative mentality, and ability to pursuing the truth hrough advanced research and student-orented curriculum.
- Educational Goals
- To the right humanity and expert knowledge
- To balance the theories and practice
- To equipped with
- Location : Research Building
- Tel : 041-550-9157, 2327
- Fax : 041-550-9027