Human centered Education Though Christian Humanity Education
Baekseok University, established based on Christianity, is to nurture future leaders who will serve the country and human society. In recent industrialized knowledge-based society where humanity is more important than professional knowledge, we pursue the unity of practice and theory to nurture talented students qualified for the requirements of society with the concept of a university going along with neighborhood. We enable students to learn Christianity through chapel classes and other programs and encourage students to take part in voluntary service. Through this process, we can achieve our goal to complete humanity education.A University which Guarantees and Prepares for the Future
Baekseok University is one which guarantees and prepares for the future. We are concentrating to nurture IT(Information Technology) and CT(Culture Technology). Those two sectors are representative future industry sectors which will play a pivotal role in the Korean economy. That we are focusing on social welfare is a promise for the future. Material abundance is not the only qualification to join in the ranks of advanced countries. To make a real welfare society, the social welfare sector should be nurtured. We are preparing for the role that any advanced country should occupy.Next-Generation Education Through State-of-The Arts Campus
Baekseok University, famous as the setting for the movie "Donggam", is equipped with environment-friendly state-of-the-art facilities for the education of the next-generation. For example, we supply elevators, air-conditioning systems, classrooms equipped with multimedia appliances, computer rooms and language Labs equipped with state of the art computers and facilities for physically disabled students. All these facilities seem like offices of conglomerates as they are clean and well-managed. Baekseok Library and Information Center, which pursues the best electronic library, is customer-centered and a convenient place to drop by and do research. Additionally, it was given a top Award in a contest to introduce web sites of national libraries hosted by KAIST. And, to support students' welfare and diverse activities, we are pushing forward to establish a welfare complex center. And through investing in a dorm and an international language center, fitness facilities equipped with state of the art facilities and appliances, which can result in the maximum satisfaction of students, we are here to cultivate creative professionals.Information Education Fitful for Digital Communication
Baekseok University is to nurture talented students who can lead the Digital Communication era and connect knowledge and people and people and people, not restricted by time and space. We lead the information-centered era. For example, computer classes for 1 year are mandatory for all the students, we established infrastructure for information and we provide multimedia education with state-of-the-art information and communication media and Internship programs for students. Furthermore, wire or wireless LAN, combined with other information related infrastructure including cable TV network, satellite broadcasting system and a room for practicing information processing, is installed in the university. These facilities are producing many professionals.Globalization Education to Nurture Global Students
In a rapidly changing society where the world is transforming into a market and living community, Baekseok University is aiming at cultivating globally talented students who can outdo others in Northeast Asia which covers Korea, China and Japan and on the world stage. We pursue global education through the following mandatory: English conversation classes for 3 years for all the students, expansion of English-speaking classes, encouragement of enroll in the unlimited multiple-major programs in foreign languages, and study abroad programs(the U.S, China, Japan) through short or long term exchange programs.Customer-Centered tailored Education for each Student
Baekseok University is to nurture professionals whom society needs through customer-centered education. We encourage students to solve problems by themselves, enhance their abilities and develop their competitiveness through development of a tailored program which reflects the abilities and preferences of each student. To provide student-centered education, we employ an all-out faculty system instead of a departmental system, and allow students to major in more than two subjects and to choose their majors as they want. Furthermore, we provide computer training, a requirement of the information era, three-year-English conversation class and practical training for students. Through these procedures, we are attempting to achieve the goal that 100% of students are employed after graduation.