Social Welfare Major
Educate students to be social welfare experts equipped with profound knowledge and skills for understanding and providing effective solutions to complicated needs and problems of diverse people in the modem society!
It aims at contributing to realization of a welfare society by training students to be welfare experts equipped with knowledge and skills in social welfare through theory education and practice.
Career After Graduation
Graduates can work at social welfare facilities and agencies, non-profit organizations, public institutes, schools, companies, or hospitals.
A Course of Study
Division | Major | Hour/Unit | Course Type |
Basic Divisional requirement | Introduction to Human Welfare | 3/3 | theory |
Basic Statistics | 3/3 | theory+practice | |
Christianity and Social Welfare | 3/3 | theory | |
Major Electives Group A | Introduction to Social Welfare | 3/3 | theory |
Human Behavior and Social Environment | 3/3 | theory | |
History of Social Welfare | 3/3 | theory | |
Social Problems | 3/3 | theory | |
Major Electives Group B | Research Method in Social Welfare | 3/3 | theory |
Theories of Social Work Practice | 3/3 | theory | |
Community Welfare & Practice | 3/3 | theory | |
Skills and Techniques for Social Work Practice | 3/3 | theory+practice | |
Social Welfare Administration | 3/3 | theory | |
Social Welfare and Law | 3/3 | theory | |
Social Welfare Policy | 3/3 | theory | |
Program Development and Evaluation | 3/3 | theory | |
Social Welfare for People with Disabilities | 3/3 | theory | |
Social Work with Families | 3/3 | theory+practice | |
Social Work Practicum | 3/3 | theory+field training | |
Major Electives Group C | Social Work in Health Care | 3/3 | theory+practice |
Social Security | 3/3 | theory | |
Social Welfare with the Women | 3/3 | theory | |
Family Policy | 3/3 | theory | |
Social Work in Mental Health | 3/3 | theory+practice | |
Social Work Supervision | 3/3 | theory | |
Correctional Social Work | 3/3 | theory | |
School Social Work | 3/3 | theory | |
Social Work Practice Ethics | 3/3 | theory | |
Seminar on Social Welfare Issues | 3/3 | theory+practice | |
Total | 30 | 84/84 |
1138 Basic Statistics for Social Welfare (3/3) 기초통계 theory, basic divisional requirement
Course Goal
To provide students with some basic statistical concepts in descriptive and inferential statisticsTo help students understand basic statistical methods commonly applied in social research
To help students have basic essential knowledge in both data analysis and statistical critical reasoning, thus, for themselves, producing meaningful data and interpreting correctly them and evaluating data produced by others
To help students have some working knowledge of SPSS, a widely used statistical analysis software package
Course Content
Nature of variables; Data presentation - frequency tables and graphs; Central tendency; Dispersion ;Probability, normal, chi-square and sampling distributions; Parameter estimation; Statistical hypothesis testings for one and two populations; Linear correlation; Simple linear regression; Analysis of variance(ANOVA), (non-parametric) Chi-square test and cross-tabulation.; SPSS lab.Prerequisites/Requirements/Recommendations
Open to all. Recommended for the 1st- or 2nd-year students. Some mathematical and calculus knowledge preferred.2790 Christianity and Social Welfare (3/3) 기독교와 사회복지 theory, basic divisional requirement
Course Goal
To help students know the biblical, historical, philosophical, ethical, practical knowledge of christian social workTo understand the basic concepts of christian philosophy of christian social work
To apply the theories, christian values and ideas in the field of christian social work
Course Content
Historical and biblical and philosophical foundations of christian social workMethods, skills and programs for the individuals and groups and christian social work for handicapped, elderly, poor people, or juvenile, etc.
Open to all. Recommended for the 1st- or 2nd-year students.< Major Electives Group A >
1300 Introduction to Social Welfare (3/3) 사회복지개론 theory, elective course for major, social worker credit course
Course Goal
To foster the students majoring in social welfare the general knowledge of scientific studies and practice regarding social welfareTo guide the students understand the connection of social welfare with other subjects
Course Content
Understanding about the basic knowledges of welfare, society and social phenomenon, human and human environments and studying the values, ideologies, contents, history and purpose of social welfare.Connecting with the economics, politics, psychology and sociology.
Recommended for 1st year students who desire study to social welfare2817 Human Behavior and Social Environment (3/3) 인간행동과 사회 환경 theory, elective course for major, social worker credit course
Course Goal
To help students develop an understanding of the complexity of human behavior within social work environmental context and in relation to stages of human developmentCourse Content
Engages students in analyses of bio-psychological and socio-cultural factors which facilitate and/or inhibit effective human interactions with such systems in the social environment as family, group, neighborhood and community, employment, housing, health care, and education with special emphases upon evaluating the impact of social class, gender, sexual orientation, and racial/ethnic group membership.Prerequisites/Requirements/Recommendations
Recommended for beginners1301 History of Social Welfare (3/3) 사회복지발달사 theory, elective course for major, social worker credit course
Course Goal
To explore the history of social welfare policies from the Middle Ages to the present ageTo understand the development of social welfare system
To learn characteristics of specific welfare system affected by the political, social, and historical background
To have better understanding of the modern Korean welfare system
Course Content
The Poor Law, the advent of social insurance, the formation and development of welfare state is specifically learned in this course. Also, the premodern and modern history of Korean social welfare is explored to view Korean social welfare from a historical point of view.Prerequisites/Requirements/Recommendations
Recommended for beginners2845 Social Problems (3/3) 사회문제론 theory, elective course for major, social worker credit course
Course Goal
To understand various social problemsTo foster ability to analyse social problems
To explore solution to social problems
Course Content
This course provides how to approach and analyze the social problems theoretically from the point of view that social policies and institutions are a major social measure which solves social problems. And this course provides the practice that analyzes the typical social problems in Korea and studies a solving plan.Prerequisites/Requirements/Recommendations
Recommended for beginners< Major Electives Group B >
1306 Theories of Social work practice (3/3) 사회 복지실천론 theory, elective course for major, social worker credit course
Course Goal
To equips students with basic social work practice theory and methods as a generalistTo help students to understand the concept of social work practice and history
To help students to understand social work value and ethics
To help students to learn the process of social work practice
To help students to develop interview and assessment skill
Course Content
Concept of social work practice, social work history, social work value and ethics which is adapted to social work practice, various fields of social work practice, the role of social worker, basic skills of interview, and the process of social work practice, case management, etc.Prerequisites/Requirements/Recommendations
Recommended for the students who have taken 'Human Behavior and Social Environment2854 Community Welfare (3/3) 지역사회복지론 theory, elective course for major, social worker credit course
Course Goal
To treats the issues on experiences, the present situations, the problems, and the prospects of Community Welfare and Practice.To guide the students understand the connection of Community Welfare & Practice with other subjects
Course Content

2847 Skills and Techniques for Social Work Practice (3/3) 사회복지실천기술론 theory+practice, elective course for major, social worker credit course
Course Goal
To help students to learn the techniques and skills for social work practiceTo help students to learn vital theories and models for social work practice
To help students to understand social work intervention skills for individual, group and family
To train students to equip with social work intervention skills in depth
Course Content
The principles, techniques, and skills for social work practice: initiating skills, assessment skills, intervention skills, evaluation skills, etc, different types of theories and models adapted to social work practice, characteristics and principles of social work practice for individual, group and family, and recording skill, etc.Prerequisites/Requirements/Recommendations
Required for the students who have taken 'Theories if Social Work Practice2822 social welfare administration (3/3) 사회복지행정 theory, elective course for major, social worker credit course
Course Goal
To learn character and necessity of social welfare administrationTo obtain methods to manage social welfare organization
To have abilities to cope change of organizational environment
Course Content
Social welfare includes two fields of study; social policy and social service. Social welfare administration is the process of transforming social policy into services. This course is designed to review the concepts, boundaries theories of management in social service settings in relation to both policy and social services. Toward better and more effective management, we will study environment factors, theories on organizations, social welfare delivery system, a framework for social welfare policy analysis.Prerequisites/Requirements/Recommendations
Recommended for 2nd and 3rd year students4296 Social Welfare and Law (3/3) 사회복지법제론 theory, elective course for major, social worker credit course
Course Goal
To examine various problems of social welfare law in KoreaTo gain a professional eye on its development through understanding the ideology and constitution principles of laws of on social welfare policies and services in Korea
Course Content
The first section of this course is to explore the systematic analysis method of social welfare law and social welfare justice. The succeeding section provides the prospective of law on social welfare in Korea by specifically analyzing major social welfare laws.Prerequisites/Requirements/Recommendations
Recommended for 3rd and 4th year students who have taken basic courses in social welfare major1308 Social Welfare Policy (3/3) 사회복지정책론 theory, elective course for major, social worker credit course
Course Goal
To help students accomplish a well-balanced knowledge and understanding about the social issues are of particular concern to social workersTo engage students in analyses of the nature and impact of economic/political ideologies
Course Content
This course focuses on the history and development of the social welfare system in Korea. Attention will be paid to: the concepts used to discuss an explain social welfare institutions' policies and programs; the mechanisms and structures used to deliver social services and the factors that have tended to constrain or facilitate the attainment of social justice in Korea. Particular attention will be paid to specific populations that have been negatively affected by social change resulting from political, industrial and economic progress, e.g., women, children, the elderly, the poor and racial/ethnic minorities. Prerequisites/Requirements/Recommendations4196 Program Development and Evaluation (3/3) 영유아프로그램개발과평가 theory, elective course for major, social worker credit course
Course Goal
To understand effectiveness and responsibility of programTo foster ability of analyzing and planning the solutions
To obtain to knowledge and skills to design, manage, and evaluate programs
Course Content
This course introduces theories and strategies in each stage of social welfare program development from need assessment through program design to evaluation. This course aims to enable students to review the current social welfare program with critical perspective. It also aims to make students to develop their own program and practice it in the social welfare fields as well as evaluate the outcome and output of practiced program.Prerequisites/Requirements/Recommendations
Required for the students who have taken 'Research Method for Social Welfare' and want to take 'Social Work Practicum'2055 Social Work Practice with Disabilities (3/3) 장애인복지론 theory, elective course for major, social worker credit course
Course Goal
To guide the students understand the theories of Social Work Practice with Disabilities and social environmentTo foster the students majoring in social welfare the general knowledge of theories and strategies in each stage of social welfare Practice with Disabilities
Course Content
This course is designed to introduce social welfare policies for disabled people in society students. Concepts of social integration and normalization are examined and connected to practical approaches for actualizing such principles. Emphasis is on increasing student's understandings abouts disabled people's lives and welfare policies to promote their quality of life. Finally, this course examines social measures and service programs that can strengthen social integration.Prerequisites/Requirements/Recommendations
Recommended for students who desire to practicum or practice in the field of social welfare for people with disabilities2041 Social Work with Families (3/3) 가족복지 theory, major elective course for, teacher certificate course
Course Goal
To Compare several theories which guide generalist social work practice with familyTo Learn the methods of a psychosocial assessment of the multiple systems in which an individual and/or family is involved, and of the life experience and current situation that motivate the client to seek assistance.
To become knowledgeable about the basic interviewing and helping skills with the clients
Course Content
This course studies the family and examine the structure and functions of the family, its challenges and life cycle as well its interactions. Also will be studied how each of these has been affected by changes in society, family welfare services and family therapy.Prerequisites/Requirements/Recommendations
Recommended for 2nd year students who have taken major general courses.2041 Social Work with Families (3/3) 가족복지론 theory +practice, elective course for major, social worker credit course
Course Goal
To help understand the fundamental and specific issues of 'family'To obtain abilities to analyse the characteristics and problems of families today.
To learn specific and organized social work approaches to families
Course Content
This course identifies family related issues in modern society. It introduces theories of family development and family process; family life cycle; family functioning. It also teaches methods and skills to deal with those issues. It covers social institutions and services to promote healthy family. This course also identifies various problems that women face in modern society; and to increase students' intervention knowledge and skills to address the problems. Prerequisites/Requirements/Recommendations< Major Electives Group C >
4295 Social work in Health Care (3/3) 의료사회복지론 theory +practice, elective course for major, social worker credit course
Course Goal
To learn concepts and history of social work practice in health careTo help students to understand the various roles of social worker in health care
To raise ethical sensitiveness in social work practice in health care setting
To learn theories and models applied to social work practice in health care
To prepare students to work as social work professionals in health care setting
Course Content
Concepts and history of social work practice in health care, different types of social work practice settings in health care, theories and models applied to social work practice in health care, process of social work practice in health care, characteristics and methods of social work intervention to various kinds of disease and disabilities, health care policy and delivery system, etc.Prerequisites/Requirements/Recommendations
recommended for 3rd and 4th year students who have taken social work practice and desire to practice in field of health care1299 Social Security (3/3) 사회보장론 theory, elective course for major, social worker credit course
Course Goal
To study the basic ideas and meaning of social security policies, which are representative social welfare policies in industrialized society.To understand importance and position of social security system in welfare states.
To learn the methods of analysis for social security system in different counties.
Course Content
This course treats the issues on experiences, the present situations, the problems, and the prospects of our country and a developed welfare state.Prerequisites/Requirements/Recommendations
Recommended for 3rd and 4th year students who have taken basic courses in social welfare major2581 Social Welfare with the Women (3/3) 여성복지론theory, elective course for major, social worker credit course
Course Goal
To examine the multiple problems experienced by women in the current Korean society with the theoretical viewTo analyze the welfare policy and services for women and suggest the alternatives from gender point of view
To explore the diverse ways leading welfare state through reviewing the respects of complement and contradiction with welfare for women.
Course Content This course is a study on the women's problem which is an increasing concern in the post-industrial society from the view point of social welfare. This course provides understandings on the practical solutions to women's problem through applying social welfare policy or social work skills. Prerequisites/Requirements/Recommendations
4292 Family Policy (3/3) 가족정책론 theory, elective course for major, credit course who want to work for family support centers
Course Goal
To study the problems of families in relation to societyTo study policies which related to the advancement of family well-being in industrial countries
Course Content
This course includes definitions of family policy and a brief historical review of family policy developments, and also treats the issues on experiences, the present situations, the problems, and the prospects of families.Prerequisites/Requirements/Recommendations
Recommended for 3rd and 4th year students who have taken basic courses in social welfare major2058 Social Work in Mental Health (3/3) 정신보건사회복지론 theory+practice, elective course for major, social worker credit course
Course Goal
To help students increase their knowledge and intervention skills needed in mental health settings.To help students who want to become a social worker in mental health to attain a more comprehensive knowledge of mental health system
To help students to integrate social work and mental health issues
Course Content
This course teaches mental health problem in contemporary society. It covers the analysis and development of the services for prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of mental illness and social security for the mentally ill as well. It teaches the tools and techniques for diagnosis and assessment. Mental health laws and policies will be analyzed and developed.Prerequisites/Requirements/Recommendations
Recommended for 3rd and 4th year students who have taken basic social work theories.2065 Social Work Supervision (3/3) 사회복지지도감독론 theory, elective course for major, social worker credit course
Course Goal
To understand concepts, theories, and skills of supervisionTo help students accomplish abilities to supervise staffs, trainee, and students in social welfare organization
To increase management skills in various social work agencies
Course Content
This course is to look at various approaches and strategies for effective supervision through analyzing and investigating the staff improvement in social welfare organization, the assessment of internal and external environment of organization. Students especially practice substantial and concrete skills on the prevention of social worker's burn-out, the solution of organizational conflicts, the organization of team and the quality management of social worker's services.Prerequisites/Requirements/Recommendations
Recommended for 3rd and 4th year students who have taken basic social work theories.2052 Correctional Social Work (3/3) 교정복지론 theory, elective course for major, social worker credit course
Course Goal
The purpose of this course is to study various problems of Correctional Social Work. The social workers in correctional settings need specialized training, including the ability to communicate with prisoners from other cultures. The correctional social workers should participate in national policy debates, collaborate with other organizations that deal with prisoners, and advocate preventative efforts, including community-based services to treat addiction and mental illness before these become criminal justice issues.Course Content
This course helps students to learn the concepts and theories related to correctional social work as a field of practice. Students should reexamine their preconception of delinquent adolescents or criminals, and learn human behaviors and value of human. It teaches the tools and techniques for motivation and change of delinquent adolescents or criminals.Prerequisites/Requirements/Recommendations
4297 School Social Work (3/3) 학교사회복지론 theory, elective course for major, social worker credit course
Course Goal
To understand the importance of school social work as a part of clinical social workTo analyze its concepts, special characteristics and practical skills
To develop skills of social work in the context of school systems
Course Content
This course helps students to learn historical backgrounds and necessities of school social work as a field of practice and covers intervention skills and practice models as well as various problems occurring in various levels of schools. This course also help students promote an understanding of school social workers in school and use of available resources.Prerequisites/Requirements/Recommendations
Recommended for the students who plan to take practicum in school and to be a school social worker2061 Social Work Practice Ethics (3/3) 사회복지윤리와철학 theory, elective course for major, social worker credit course
Course Goal
To study the ethics and the philosophy needed for social workers as professionalsTo cultivate the practical ethics of social welfare
To understand the groundwork of social welfare and social work
Course Content
This course teaches to coordinate and integrate social work values and philosophy with practice ethics. Students are encouraged to discuss ethical issues they have experienced in the field, to analyze case materials, and to exercise problem solving skills to approach ethical conflicts, especially for advocacy.Prerequisites/Requirements/Recommendations
Recommended for 3rd and 4th year students who have taken basic social work theories.3366 Seminar on Social Welfare Issues (3/3) 사회복지세미나 theory+practice, elective course for major
Course Goal
To provides the opportunity to improve basic abilities as a social worker such as recognition of special issues and exploration of related theories and solutions in changing environment of social welfareCourse Content
This course is for students which intensively investigates special topics on social work and social welfare. This course may deal with different topics at every semester, therefore always accompanied by a subtitle. Sometimes this course invite the specialists of that field for learning and analyzing the practical approaches.Prerequisites/Requirements/Recommendations
Recommended for 4th year students who have taken basic social work theories